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      Now available in a 250ml!

      Dexasone® (Dexamethazone 2mg/ml) is for treating primary bovine ketosis and as an anti-inflammatory in bovine and equine. Also available in a 100ml.
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      Calcium, when she needs it most

      OptiCalc 50 is packed with calcium. It also features a protective coating that provides for an easier application, prevents damage to the esophagus, and keeps the bolus from breaking. 
      Learn more

      Two ways to keep you protected.

      No Muck (SMS) and No Muck Pro (Polypropylene) coveralls provide protection in your daily work. Both options are durable, breathable, and easy to wear.
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      Committed to quality

      Dedicated to animal health

      For more than 30 years, Aspen has provided our valued customers with superior products designed to optimize animal health.

      The Aspen difference

      At Aspen, we focus on all aspects of health – from improved feed and nutrition intake to disease prevention, calving, milking, growth, and performance – with every product necessary to help you keep your animals at their very best.

      We are committed to continuing to expand our product line using only the highest quality ingredients and cost-effective solutions for you and your operation. That’s our promise.

      Thank you for trusting Aspen with the health and care of your animals.